The Crew

The Crew
Exploring Bright Lights Big City Life

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy "Valentines"

Re-posting some old thoughts from a few Valentine's Days ago.

 Valentine's Day has never been a day I celebrate. I don't expect flowers, don't even want a card and frankly wouldn't even notice it if not for the advertising to guilt my husband into buying me something to make me feel special on this special day.

Don't get me wrong. I'll cut out paper hearts with the kids, set out bowls of those little heart candies and help decorate valentines to pass out at school. And I admit it isn't bad having something to look forward to on these long dreary winter months.
What I love more than anything in the world is celebrating little impromptu Valentines exchanges on random days and moments throughout the year.

Like my 4-year-olds new habit of responding to any annoyed motherly look by quickly saying, "I love you Mommy!"

I love that our first-grader is practicing his new writing skills at school. At the writing center he is allowed to use stationary and envelopes to work on his own project. Very frequently while unpacking his backpack in the afternoon I'll find a sealed envelope covered in stickers with "to mom" or "to dad" scrawled in pencil across the front and a letter inside saying, " I love my dad. He is the best dad."  

I love that my husband and I figured out the other day that last March was the last time we had a babysitter for something other than work … and neither one of us cared.

I love that my elderly dog is now slow enough that I walk him around the block instead of the other way around. And my cat, while just as elderly, allows the boys to squash him with love and purrs to prove it.

I love that my boys end every phone conversation, no matter how brief, with "love you!"

I love those stolen blue-eyed glances I catch when I'm volunteering in the classroom or watching a gym class. The quick look-and-see-if mom-sees-me-and-look-away-if -she-does looks. 

I love the tender bedtime confessions of "mom I don't ever want to get married and move away. I want to live with you forever."

It's not that I don't appreciate a day to pay tribute to love and friendship. Heaven knows we need more of that in this world. I just don't like the added pressure to somehow manufacture or come up with something that happens so wonderfully and naturally almost every day of the year with so little fanfare. If only we could bottle up those little moments for a real Valentine's Day gift at the price you ought to pay for something that precious -- free.

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